Alien Resistance (Zyrgin Warriors Book 4) Read online

  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  In a bleak future where government systems are breaking down and poverty and violence reign, Madison Johnson is about to qualify as a doctor, after years of study and backbreaking work, in order to keep the promise she made to her dying sister, only to have an arrogant alien take over the hospital and decree that she would no longer be allowed to practice medicine. Hassled by the resistance group that’s trying to recruit her and exhausted from working impossible hours, Madison struggles to convince the disturbingly sexy alien, who always watches her, to let her be a doctor. As she and Viglar grows closer, Madison worries that she’s falling in love with one of the aliens who caused her brother’s disappearance--an alien who does not know how to love...


  In Alien Resistance by Marie Dry, Madison Johnson is working as an intern at a hospital in Helena, Montana, when Viglar , one of the aliens taking over Earth, takes over the hospital. All of the doctors, including Madison, are set to work painting and working construction, remolding the hospital, instead of working as doctors, since Viglar says that they are not well trained enough to practice medicine. But Madison refuses to accept the alien’s orders, regardless of the fact that he’s sexy as hell and she is wildly attracted to him. He calls her spotted because of her freckles, and he says she has ugly hair. But Madison doesn’t care what he thinks of her as long as she gets to be a doctor and help those who are injured and sick, thus fulfilling a vow she made to her dying sister when they were children. Like the first three books in the series, this one is tension-filled, poignant, and sexy, with a number of hot, steamy love scenes. I’ve been waiting for this book ever since the last one came out, and Dry doesn’t disappoint. Now, I can’t wait for the next one. ~ Taylor Jones, The Review Team of Taylor Jones & Regan Murphy

  Alien Resistance by Marie Dry is the story of Madison Johnson, who has dreamed of being a doctor ever since she was a child. She has completed her studies and is now working as an intern as a hospital in Helena, Montana, not far from the stronghold of the aliens, Zyrgin warriors, who have taken control of Earth. Now the aliens have taken over the hospital, claiming that the humans know nothing about medicine and are not fit to be doctors. Madison and her colleagues are set to work remolding the hospital when Viglar, the alien doctor, takes over the care of the patients. But Madison is not about to take this lying down. She demands to be allowed to be a doctor and pesters Viglar until he relents, although she still has to paint and work on the remodeling as well. But Madison is no stranger to hard work, and she impresses Viglar by her dedication. But this backfires on her when Viglar decides she would make a good “breeder.” Dry keeps up the pace and the tension in Alien Resistance, the fourth book in her Zyrgin Warrior series, as well as the steamy sex scenes. Her characters are charming, and I love the way Viglar takes things she says literally and the hilarity this can cause. A delightful, hot, and thoroughly entertaining read. ~ Regan Murphy, The Review Team of Taylor Jones & Regan Murphy

  Alien Resistance

  Marie Dry

  A Black Opal Books Publication

  Copyright © 2017 by Marie Dry

  Cover Design by Marie Dry and Jackson Cover Designs

  All cover art copyright © 2017

  All Rights Reserved

  EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-626946-84-2


  She’d seen the resistance’s propaganda films on the aliens, but she knew that was just nonsense. They didn’t eat humans...did they? He had to be joking...right?

  “Come with me, human,” he said again and walked away.

  He turned, pointedly waiting for her to follow him and she was tempted to show him a rude sign rather than follow meekly in his wake. She ran up to him and walked next to him. He glanced down at her, but didn’t say anything. Why did he want her in his office? She lived in fear and a curious expectation that he would grab her against him again. And it wasn’t excitement she felt at the thought of his warm muscled body against hers. She wasn’t that big a freak, no matter what her brothers said.

  “Why do you want to see me in your office?” Maybe she could outrun him if he had funny ideas in his head.

  “I am hungry and a human would taste good and fill my stomach,” he said and took hold of her arm.

  Her step faltered. The recordings they showed of the aliens eating humans flashed in front of her eyes while her whole life flashed by even faster. She tried to jerk lose, but he held her in an unbreakable grip. Oh God, would her family even get her bones back to bury. This would destroy her mother. She couldn’t lose three children. “You’re joking, right?”


  I would like to dedicate this book to Jessica Fleck and Candie Books. Thank you both. Without your medical input I could not have written the same book.

  Teresa Hudson, I wrote this book because you asked for Viglar’s story long before he showed himself to me.

  Chapter 1

  Madison woke moaning and clenching her thighs together, reaching for a nameless muscled green alien that haunted her dreams with savage lovemaking. She sat up and wiped her sweaty brow. “Dammit, this is not happening. I’m not a freak.”

  Because only a freak would dream sexy dreams of their invaders.

  “Total freak,” Madison muttered. She pushed off the blankets and got up. Even the air around her smelled heavily of sex. How freaky was that? “Obviously, I take after that great, great, great voodoo priestess ancestor of mine.”

  She stumbled out of bed and went to the tiny downright ugly bathroom to take a quick shower, praying there’d be water. The bathroom might be ugly, but it was a luxury to have her own. When there was water.

  She almost cried in relief when the water poured out of the spout and didn’t even mind that it was cold. After dreaming of sex with a green alien, that looked suspiciously like their invaders, she needed to cool off.

  “If this continues, I’m going to end up a crazy recluse living in the swamps, just like my voodoo priestess ancestor.”

  She could understand dreaming of aliens after that humongous hologram of a muscled scary-looking green alien appeared all over the country and told them the Earth had been conquered by them. And then a few months later that horrific parade of alien soldiers marching through Washington. Thousands upon thousands of aliens. What she couldn’t understand was having sex dreams about an alien instead of nightmares.

  She scrubbed her neck where the dream alien had tried to bite her with abnormally long teeth. And she’d begged for it like some sex-crazy idiot. Quickly finishing in the shower, she dressed in the white slacks and white short-sleeved jacket all the doctors wore and went out, carefully locking the safety padlocks her brother Joshua had installed on the door to her small flat. She then locked the security gate in front of the door and ran down the steps.

  Clutching the length of iron Rory had made her promise she’d keep with her when she was out on the street, she rushed to the hospital entrance in Helena, Montana, where she worked as an intern. Walking alone on the
streets was never her favorite pastime, but her friend Rachel, who also had a flat in her building was on night duty last night. Otherwise they’d have walked together for safety.

  A group message had gone out on the TC last night, instructing all staff to report to the hospital at six this morning. She kicked at the rubble on the pavement. Who called a meeting at six in the morning? As far as Madison was concerned, the day started at ten. After several cups of coffee.

  Rachel, her friend and fellow intern, waited for her in front of the entrance. The doors were supposed to open and close automatically, but they had broken down months ago and now stood open day and night. If the hospital had air conditioning, it would’ve been a serious problem. Now the perpetually open doors served to provide some relief from the stuffy humidity inside the hospital.

  “Thanks for waiting for me,” Madison said.

  Rachel smiled. “I was going to go in, but I saw your hair when you were three blocks away. It looked like moving flames.”

  Madison pulled a face. She’d been teased and bullied about her red hair and freckles her whole life. She didn’t have auburn hair, or rich dark red hair, or anything nice like that--no she was blessed with ginger red hair that acted like a beacon if she stood in the sun.

  “Do you know why we’ve been summoned? The message only said we should be in the hospital foyer at six. It’s a miracle I woke when the TC beeped.”

  Something called the internet was used once to keep data on. When it crashed, their civilization almost collapsed. The Touch Cell Communication Device, TC Comm or TC for short, was invented by Soft Cell a century ago, and it allowed the user to make calls. It also functioned as a holograph device for watching movies and news programs and a storage device for documents. In the hospital they used TCs to keep track of patients and their treatments and medication.

  Rachel shrugged. “No one knows.”

  “Do you think it could be the aliens?” Madison asked.

  She balled her fists. If they killed Rory, the resistance would be the least of their problems. She’d hunt each and every alien down and kill it. And her brothers would come all the way from Alabama to help. If they hadn’t gone hunting them already.

  Since that huge hologram had appeared a few months ago, and the parade of soldiers months later, Madison hadn’t seen any aliens. They didn’t walk in the streets, didn’t come to the hospital. In fact, no one she talked to had ever seen an alien. The films about their savagery and reports on the Battle at No Name Town where humans had tried to defeat the aliens were the only proof that there actually were aliens around.

  When no aliens were seen, people had assumed it was a hoax or that the aliens didn’t have enough man power to police everyone, despite that parade.

  Riots had raged for nearly three months. Sadly, Madison thought it was people’s general dissatisfaction with their lives, more than the arrival of aliens that got people rioting. Most people were still in shock at the idea of being ruled by beings from outer space. Madison remembered her first reaction had been that she lived in a country ruled by beings who didn’t have her well-being at heart. Their invaders had dealt with the riots swiftly and without mercy.

  “I got a message last night,” she told Rachel quietly.

  Madison knew she was paranoid about the aliens monitoring them, but how did they know they didn’t have cameras and listening devices everywhere? If that hologram was any indication, they were centuries ahead of earth technologically.

  “Me too,” Rachel said, barely above a whisper.

  “I’m a doctor, I want to save lives, not plant bombs,” Madison said quietly. She’d promised Ana that she would learn how to save injured and sick people. Joining the resistance would teach her to kill and she wanted to heal. She needed to heal. To redeem herself.

  “Any word from Rory?” Rachel asked.

  “Nothing.” Her brother had disappeared more than two years ago. Madison and her family never gave up hope that he’d appear one day at their house in the swamps, smiling his cocky smile.

  “Don’t give up hope,” Rachel stopped and stared. “Good heavens the whole hospital staff is crammed in here. How do they breathe?”

  Madison nearly walked into her. The normal sounds of garbled intercoms, rubber-soled feet, and the squeak of trolley wheels were replaced by the din of a great number of people crammed into a small space. The smell of sweat hanging unpleasantly in the air made her want to gag.

  All the doctors, nurses, office and cleaning staff were crammed in what was normally a large foyer and wide hall leading to the different wards. There were lifts on either side of the hall, but no one ever used them since they broke down all the time and people had been known to be stuck in there for days. An air of expectancy hung in the room along with the oppressing humidity. Sweat broke out on her face. She probably looked like a greased pig. She envied Rachel whose light brown skin glowed attractively when she was hot and sweaty.

  “Too many bodies breathing in here,” Madison muttered and inched back a little. She’d never get used to how many people are crowded into the cities. In her home town, everyone knew each other. Getting more than fifty people together was a challenge, as most people had left for the cities.

  Everyone looked worried and Madison didn’t blame them. There’d been severe budget cuts lately. The broken and cracked tiles, the walls that hadn’t seen paint in decades, the lack of staff, all indicated a worrying lack of money. The only reason they had cleaning staff was because so many people were desperate for work that labor was cheap. Madison lived in fear that the hospital would be closed down, like so many others these last few decades.

  Her worry was reflected on the faces around her. They all knew it was just a matter of time before they were shut down. All the hospitals in her home state of Alabama had closed when she was still in high school. Many big hospitals in cities all over the country had closed their doors in the last few years.

  This was the only hospital left in several states to service most of the surrounding cities. They frequently had to turn people away who couldn’t pay, or when they didn’t have space or doctors to tend to them. The doctors were understaffed, but they had fourteen security people whose only job it was to get rid of the people the hospital couldn’t help. Madison hated those guards who stood at the entrance and made crude remarks to all the women entering the hospital.

  “If it’s not the aliens, old Jacobson will probably get rid of some of us,” Madison muttered.

  Jacobson was the administrator of the hospital, and he’d hated Madison ever since her brother threatened to beat him to a pulp if he didn’t accept Madison as one of the interns. She couldn’t really blame Jacobson for hating her. Rory could be scary when he was in protective mode. Jacobson loved making announcements and appearing important. If he had any sensitivity, he’d quietly call in those members of staff he planned to get rid of and do it in the privacy of his office.

  Madison swallowed, her mouth suddenly drier than cotton off the stem. Jacobson hated her. He’d relish the opportunity to fire her in front of everyone.

  “Shhh, he could be behind us and you know he’s got it in for you,” Rachel whispered.

  Something cold slithered down Madison’s back. She checked behind and then around them and blew out a relieved breath. It would be just her luck if Jacobson lurked right behind them. Still, for a moment there, she’d felt something powerful breathing down her neck. A presence not quite human. She shrugged, her imagination had always been overactive.

  A short distance from her and Rachel, two interns, Sandra and Viktor, stood talking. Of course, they didn’t look worried.

  “It’s just not fair.”

  “What?” Rachel asked.

  “Everyone coming from families living in high cotton will get to stay.” Madison liked Viktor and had nothing against him, but a person should be able to keep their job based on the kind of work they did. Not on the amount of money your family donated to the hospital.

  She’d app
lied six times before she was accepted into medical school. She’d learned later that Rory had bribed someone on the panel that chose the entrants. She hated that the only way anyone got in was by paying a bribe. Things shouldn’t work like that.

  It had taken her two years of backbreaking work to finish her studies. After all her hard work, the only hospital hiring had been the one in Helena. An outbreak of drug resistant pox had decimated the numbers of their doctors.

  “Not necessarily. You work twice as hard as any of us,” Rachel said.

  “That’s not going to help me. Steto hates me and Rory isn’t here to force him to keep me.”

  The hospital had received many more applications from interns than there were posts. The positions were offered to doctors from prominent families who could offer incentives. Her younger brother Rory, had promised her she would be accepted. He’d paid the administrator, Jacobson, a visit and assured him if Madison wasn’t offered a position, all seven of her brothers would return. Apparently, there had been some bloodshed before Rory got Jacobson to appoint Madison. Rory hadn’t been as surprised as Madison at how the system worked. He simply did what had to be done to help her reach her goal.

  “Maybe Joshua will come,” Rachel said with real hope.

  “No, it would just make more trouble.” Madison sighed and adjusted her collar. “Just ignore me. I’m being selfish, worrying about my own job.” She had to find a way to tell Rachel that Joshua would never be interested in her, but it would devastate her friend.

  Rachel smiled mischievously. “Rory did say all seven of your brothers would be back if he messed with you.”

  Jacobson had wisely decided he didn’t want to eat his food through a straw for the rest of his life and had appointed her. But he made no secret of how much he hated her.